The dates of parish council meetings are shown below. The meetings are held from 7pm in Acton Village Hall unless indicated otherwise. The meeting dates are subject to change if circumstances require this. Extra meetings may be called by the chairman if needed.
Click here for the full list of scheduled meetings for 2024/25.
You are browsing meeting documents for the year 2025/26
Meeting Date | Meeting Title | Agenda | Minutes | Background Documents |
Members of the public and press are welcome. Parish Council meetings are public and members of the public and press have a statutory right to attend meetings of the council as observers. Attendees are requested to notify the chairman of any intention to film, photograph or record during the meeting.
Public forum: There is a period of 10 minutes allocated for members of the public and/or press to speak. If you wish to make statements or ask questions about during this forum, please raise your hand and the chair will call you to speak. The council’s standing orders limit each individual’s contribution to 3 minutes. Issues should not be discussed immediately or responded to unless the chair authorises. Matters raised may be added to the agenda for a future meeting at the discretion of the council. Members of the public are welcome to stay for the parish council meeting after the public session as observers but have no legal right to speak and will not be able to join in the discussion unless invited to do so by the chairman.
Members of the public may be excluded by a resolution of the meeting for specific items which need to be discussed in confidence (e.g. staffing matters, tenders for contracts, some legal issues) in accordance with section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act.
Agendas, which set out the business to be conducted at the meeting, are published at least three clear days ahead of each meeting. You can find them on this website and on Parish Council notice boards outside the convenience store on Acton High Street and at Newman’s Green. The draft minutes of Parish Council meetings will be published on this website within 30 days of each meeting.